Thursday 17 November 2016

Power Rangers Movie Megazord Toy Unboxing

Power Rangers fans remain hotly divided over the early advertising and slowly revealed new designs for the big-budget movie reboot of the franchise, with many bemoaning the radical overhaul and seemingly dark tone key elements of the franchise have undergone while others have been more willing to give this new incarnation a chance when the finished film debuts in 2017.

Now, a YouTube star has posted an unboxing of the film’s controversial new Megazord.

The first images of the new Megazord were posted to social media, leading to a puzzled and frequently negative response from many fans, who were evidently not prepared for the figure’s design to diverge so sharply from its traditional depiction in the original “Mighty Morphin” incarnation of the series which the film is supposedly based on. The images were of a large-scale interactive toy version of the robot, which is said to diverge slightly from versions made by combining the individual Battle Zord figures.

That same interactive figure is the one getting the unboxing from YouTube star and pop-culture commentator Andre Meadows, known to his fans as The Black Nerd. In the video, Meadows shows off the features of the impressively sized figure, which indeed appears fully-assembled and cannot be separated into its component Zords. Instead, it features light and sound effects, interactive weaponry and a collection of miniature Ranger figures to accompany it.

While unboxing videos do not typically end up revealing important information about the plot or characters of yet-to-be-released films, Meadows’ examination of the new Megazord does seem to drop at least one piece of new data for hardcore Power Rangers fans: “The Morphing Grid,” a cornerstone of Ranger mythology typically referred to in terms of an esoteric “Force”-like construct, is here said to be contained in the chest of the Megazord itself, which mirrors the Iron Man-like plates in the chests of the Rangers themselves.

Also of note: The figure features “cockpit” compartments where the individual Ranger figures can be stored, seemingly corresponding to the various individual Zord pieces making up the whole figure. It’s possible that this represents another big change in store for the movie, as typically the Rangers gather together in a central cockpit in most television incarnations of the property rather than remaining in their individual vehicles. It’s also possible that the Rangers won’t “pilot” their Zords in a traditional manual-operation sense.

Power Rangers release date: Mar 24, 2017

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