Monday 14 August 2017

Tom Cruise Injured in Mission: Impossible 6 Stunt

Tom Cruise has reportedly injured himself performing a stunt during filming of Mission: Impossible 6. Cruise has for years has prided himself on performing his own stunts; most recently he did 64 takes in zero gravity to bounce around the cabin in a plunging aircraft in The Mummy.

Cruise has most famously pushed the limits in his Mission: Impossible films; for Ghost Protocol where he famously dangled off a skyscraper in Dubai; and in Rogue Nation he clutched onto the side of an air-bound cargo plane. The actor is back to performing his own stunts again for Mission: Impossible 6, with him reportedly doing two showstoppers himself. But this time around, it appears that he fell short trying to pull off a risky maneuver.

According to TMZ, Cruise was injured during a building-jumping stunt Sunday on the London set of the film. The actor was attempting to leap from a rigging onto a building when he felt short of the mark and “hit the building pretty hard.”

In TMZ’s photos and video of the incident, Cruise limped away the from mishap and collapsed, only to try limping again to the edge of the building before safety team members pulled him back. The extent of Cruise’s injuries are unknown at this time.

The attempted building jump is the latest of Cruise’s stunts in recent months on different films. In the upcoming true-crime adventure drama American Made, director Doug Liman said the actor pulled off a dangerous plane stunt by not only piloting the aircraft for an in-flight scene, but abandoning the controls of the plane to perform other harrowing duties required of the character in the story.

While Cruise performing his own stunts has thrilled countless moviegoers over the years, perhaps the injury to the actor on the set of Mission: Impossible 6 will make filmmakers take pause regarding future scenes that place the actor in peril. Whether extra caution will be taken for the remainder of the new Mission: Impossible movie is yet to be seen, especially since the severity of Cruise’s injuries have not yet been divulged. It’s also unknown at this time whether Cruise has already filmed his marquee stunt for the film, which producer David Ellison said in March that Cruise had been training a year to perform.

So long as Cruise’s injuries aren’t serious, don’t expect the 55-year-old actor to walk away from his death-defying brand of film acting anytime soon. In fact, he’s probably already plotted out what sort of spectacular stunt he’ll perform in Top Gun: Maverick, and was recently photographed in London taking the controls of a helicopter, presumably to train for another thrilling film sequence.

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